
De Nora provides a wide range of products and solutions to tackle the world’s most complex water contaminants. Our water systems offer years of reliable service that customers’ organizations can count on.
We utilize a full arsenal of water treatment technology, including Ultraviolet (UV), Filtration (Media, Underdrain, Biological), Electrochlorination, and more. From arsenic removal to PFAS remediation, De Nora offers new and retrofit technologies to address a range of contaminants: arsenic removal, iron and manganese removal, fluoride removal, and nitrate removal. Media refill is quick and simple, and the non-hazardous exhausted media can be sent to a landfill, passing US Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedures (TCLP).

Contaminants Solved!


Ammonia can be removed from drinking water and wastewater sources via two primary methods, oxidation through the breakpoint reaction or biologically.
With a complete lineup of solutions, De Nora can help you choose the right one for your specific application based on your process and water quality.

The oxidation methods remove ammonia by the breakpoint reaction, whereby the ammonia is oxidized to nitrogen gas, most often using chlorine.  Most commonly used for lower levels of ammonia (<5 mg/l) or drinking water systems, it has the advantage of being simple and effective.  De Nora has multiple options available to best suit your needs.  From chlorine gas to generating your own hypochlorite on-site, we can provide you the best combination of whole-life-cost, safety and effectiveness for your plant.

DE NORA Solutions:
Capital Controls Gas Chlorine

The biological method uses facultative bacteria, supported on a media bed, to remove the ammonia.  Most commonly used for higher levels of ammonia and industrial and municipal wastewater systems.  Chemical-free, it is quite cost-effective and simple to operate.DE NORA TETRA (R) SAF and COLOX filters are nitrifying filters used biologically oxidize ammonia-nitrogen for effective wastewater treatment.  Combing De Nora proprietary Snap-T(R) block underdrain with years of biological filtration experience allows De Nora to provide the best technology in the most cost-effective way to reduce ammonia loads in wastewater effluent.

DE NORA Solutions:
Snap T


Arsenic, which has been linked to several health issues, must be removed from drinking water if the levels are high enough.  Fortunately, removal is simple and cost effective and De Nora has ideal solutions tailored to your specific water quality.

The easiest way to remove arsenic is to use iron to adsorb it from the water.  The iron is then removed and disposed of to a sanitary landfill.  If your groundwater has dissolved iron in it, you can use it to help.  If not, De Nora SORB Contaminant Removal systems are the perfect solution.

If your groundwater has no iron present to help with the removal of arsenic, SORB 33(R) Contaminant Removal is the ideal solution, combining ease-of-use, cost effectiveness and effectiveness.  The SORB media is loaded into a pressure vessel, where it simply adsorbs the arsenic from the water as it passes through.  Requiring no additional chemical feed or controls, it is the hassle-free solution to the problem of arsenic.

  • Simple, one-step process
  • No regeneration required
  • Spent media is sent to sanitary landfill
  • Maintains hydraulic head – no need to repump
  • Media lasts for years (depending on concentration)

DE NORA Solution:
- SORB 33

If your groundwater already has iron present, by simply precipitating and filtering it out of the water, you can also remove the arsenic via co-precipitation/adsorption followed by filtration.  The iron must be preoxidized, and chlorine is the most cost-effective option.  De Nora has a full suite of chlorination solutions for your needs, whether you use gas, or would like to generate your own hypochlorite on-site.

  • Cost-effective using iron already in the water
  • No need to break hydraulic head
  • Chlorination options to fit your specific needs 
  • Don’t break hydraulic head.
  • Remove arsenic to well below regulatory limits
  • Simple disposal to landfill

DE NORA Solutions:
Capital Controls Gas Chlorine

Biofilm Control

If you are struggling with controlling biofilm in your distribution system, piping, or cooling tower loops, you need a stronger disinfectant that is capable of removing and controlling it. De Nora has two ideal solutions. MIOX® systems produce chlorine-based oxidants proven to remove biofilm. Chlorine Dioxide generators are another proven method to help with this tenacious issue.

If you are struggling with controlling biofilm in your distribution system, piping, or cooling tower loops, you need an effective disinfectant that is capable of removing and controlling it. De Nora has two ideal solutions:

MIOX® systems produce chlorine-based oxidants proven to remove biofilm across multiple water treatment applications.
Chlorine Dioxide generators are well known to produce chemistry that helps with this tenacious issue.

Removing biofilm:
- Increases heat-exchanger efficiency
- Reduces available carbon, which reduces disinfectant byproduct (DBP) formation
- Reduces pitting corrosion and other corrosion issues
- Reduces plugging/clogging of smaller pipes, injectors and eductors

CEC (Contaminants of Emerging Concern)

Today’s water treatment plants are faced with unprecedented treatment challenges as modern chemistry that has been providing the comforts and conveniences we love – from cookware coatings to beautifying cosmetics to lawn enhancers - catches up with us. PFAS “forever chemicals” are making headlines. Pharmaceutical micropollutants and common pesticides are showing up in drinking water. The world is watching as regulations are enacted to mitigate the known – and unknown – consequences of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC). These complex contaminants demand a multi-barrier approach, scientific research, proven technologies, and application expertise if we hope to successfully tackle the effects of CEC.

De Nora has hundreds of operating installations worldwide that have been in place for decades. De Nora applies a full range of solutions to a spectrum of contaminants. With decades of experience around the world, De Nora experts have the insight to address contaminants of concern by combining proven technologies like O3 AOP and UV AOP for a multi-barrier solution. Equipment and process design expertise includes piloting capability to ensure the right treatment solution for each unique – and often variable - application. For drinking water, wastewater, and water reuse, De Nora treatment technologies can lower operating expenses while offering guaranteed performance to meet regulatory standards.

Emerging issues and evolving regulations require expertise in diverse water treatment applications to close the process knowledge gap. Getting the right treatment solution while balancing out budget constrictions and keeping operating expenses in check with low-maintenance solutions.  Multi-barrier technologies combined with deep process knowledge and piloting expertise are addressing the world’s most complex constituents of emerging concern in potable water and wastewater, including

- 1,4-Dioxane
- Pharmaceutical micropollutants
- Pesticides
- Disinfection Byproducts including THMs, HAAs, NDMA, Bromate 


Chlorate, while not currently regulated in the U.S., is regulated in some other countries today.  It is likely that more and more countries will regulate this disinfection byproduct in the coming years.  Future-proof your drinking water plant disinfection with De Nora ClorTec® Gen III system, which generates the lowest chlorate of any available On-Site Hypochlorite Generator (OSHG).

ClorTec® Gen III system uses a split water flow technology to control the temperature and concentration of the brine solution during the electrolysis process.

While gas chlorine systems offer the lowest chlorate possible because it is a “pure” source of chlorine, many communities and food and beverage companies have switched to delivered bulk liquid sodium hypochlorite.  An unfortunate side effect of delivered hypochlorite is that chlorate is formed as a degradation byproduct.  Chlorate can also be formed in the generation process of OSHG.

De Nora launched the ClorTec Gen III system in 2019 to solve this issue.  Not only does the ClorTec Gen III system allow you to generate your own hypochlorite where you need it and when you need it, it also does it at the lowest cost of hypochlorite possible.  ClorTec Gen III system uses 15% less salt than competitive systems while producing low chlorate available in an OSHG system.

Count on De Nora innovation to provide the best combination of whole-life-cost and minimum byproduct formation for your water treatment needs.

In approximately 2010, chlorate (ClO3-) was added to the Third Chemical Contaminant List (CCL3), indicating that the intention of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review chlorate as a potential candidate for regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act. While currently, chlorate is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans, negative health impacts such as thyroid issues, reduced hemoglobin production, and reduced weight gain have been observed in laboratory animals subjected to prolonged exposure to chlorate. Chlorate, a highly oxidized form of chlorine, can be introduced to a water source as an industrial or agricultural contaminant or into finished water as a disinfection byproduct (DBP).  As a DBP, chlorate can result from water disinfection with bulk sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, or hypochlorite formed through electrolytic on-site hypochlorite generation (OSHG) systems.

DE NORA related Products:
ClorTec(R)  Gen III system

More information:

Disinfection Byproducts (DBPS)

Selecting the right disinfectant can prevent the production of unwanted disinfection byproducts.  De Nora Water Technologies experts work with you to understand your specific system dynamics to provide the best disinfection solutions to solve your challenge.

De Nora Water technologies offer a wide range of disinfection technologies and expert application experience.

If your chlorination process is producing trihalomethanes or haloacetic acids, switching to chlorine dioxide, or converting to MIOX Mixed Oxidants can reduce the formation these byproducts.  Chlorates produced by using bulk hypochlorite can be reduced by switching to on-site hypochlorite generation.

Understanding your specific challenges related to disinfection byproducts is the first step in our partnership with you.  Are you having trouble with trihalomethanes (TTHM) or haloacetic acids (HAA5)?  Are the levels too high leaving your plant, or after your distribution system?  Are you having to reboost chlorine?  Or do you have high chlorate levels?

Understanding what byproducts are a concern, and where and how they are forming in your system are critical to selecting the right solution. 

For example: TTHM or HAA5 forming before your water leaves your plant, then you will want to focus on improving your pretreatment.

TTHM or HAA5 forming in your distribution system, and you may also be reboosting chlorine?  Then switching to MIOX Mixed Oxidants or Capital Controls Chlorine Dioxide will help you control biofilm and reduce chlorine demand and organic load.

Chlorates an issue?  Then the ClorTec Gen III is the perfect solution for your challenge.

We work with you to truly understand your system challenges and select the right solution that will help you now and in the years to come.

DE NORA Solutions:


Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is often added to water supplies to improve dental health.  However, when naturally occurring levels are too high, it may need to be removed.  Typically, a complex process, De Nora SORB Contaminant Removal provides a simple, regenerable solution.

SORB 09 is a regenerable activated alumina process that can be used for treating naturally high levels of fluoride. Typically, a complex process, the SORB 09 product simplifies the operation with automated operation and controls.


- The simple, one-step process that simplifies operation and maintenance
- Regenerable media for long life
- Lowest whole-life cost

DE NORA Solution:

Iron and Manganese

Iron and Manganese are easily removed through oxidation and filtration.  De Nora Offers the widest selection of chlorine gas and on-site hypochlorite generator systems available.  We can help you select the solution with the best combination of whole-life cost, ease of use and safety for your treatment needs.

Whether you use chlorine gas or would like to generate your oxidant on-site, De Nora offers the widest range of solutions for pre-oxidation and filtration.

If you also have other challenges, SORB Contaminant Removal systems can solve multiple problems with one-step treatment.  Omni-SORB systems are capable of simultaneous removal of iron, manganese, arsenic, and hydrogen sulfide.  Special catalytic media allows for quicker filtration rates and a smaller equipment footprint.

Capital Controls® Gas chlorine feed offers a safe, simple, and lowest cost supply of pre-oxidation chemistry for your treatment plant

If you prefer to generate on-site, using only saltwater and electricity, you achieve the lowest cost supply of hypochlorite with either ClorTec® or MIOX® on-site hypochlorite generation (OSHG) systems

If you have a combination of contaminants, Omni-SORB might be right for your plant, offering one-step removal of multiple contaminants

DE NORA Solutions:



Nitrate removal can be challenging, fortunately, De Nora SORB Contaminant removal provides a one-step, simple removal process.

SORB 07 treats nitrate from surface or groundwater sources to meet the EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 10 ppm N using a nitrate selective ion exchange resin process.  The media is brine regenerable for long media life, and a variety of design considerations can be evaluated to minimize treatment costs and waste volumes.

  • Simple, one-step process for ease-of-use, no complicated treatment processes to control and monitor
  • Long-lasting regenerable media lowers operating cost
  • Optimized performance for lowest life-cycle cost

DE NORA Solutions:

SORB Contaminant Removal – Specifically SORB 07

Pharmaceutical Contaminants

Due to the increased use of pharmaceuticals and other life savings or life-enhancing medicines, drinking water sources are now exhibiting higher concentrations of unwanted organic chemicals. These contaminants of emerging concern may or may not be regulated, but they are garnering more attention from water treatment plants. 

Multibarrier approach from one supplier.  Extensive experience. Cost-effective versus membranes.


The DE NORA TETRA (R) Advanced Biofilter combines ozone and a biologically active filter to remove pharmaceutical contaminants from drinking water supplies.  This combined treatment approach has proven to be a cost-effective and safe alternative to conventional membrane treatment, without producing a highly concentrated waste stream.


By combining ozone and UV light, free radicals can be created with are highly energized and capable of oxidizing some of the most challenging contaminants to carbon dioxide and water.  De Nora can provide a complete solution using Capital Controls® UV and Capital Controls® Ozone Generators.

DE NORA Solutions:


Trihalomethane (THM) and Haloacetic Acid (HAA5) compounds two of the most common classifications of disinfection byproducts that can be created when treating surface water.  Controlling the formation of these compounds is key in meeting regulatory requirements.  De Nora can help you minimize the formation of these byproducts by helping you select the ideal disinfection chemistry for your plant.

Understanding the dynamics of your drinking water plant and distribution system is the first step when customizing a solution to reduce the formation of disinfection byproducts.   If you are having elevated trihalomethanes (TTHM) or haloacetic acids (HAA5) it is important to know if they are forming in the plant, or in the distribution system, or both!  Regardless, De Nora will work with you to select the right  chemistry to minimize their formation.

Three main variables affect the formation of THMs and/or HAA5s, these include chlorine concentration (and type), presence of organic precursors, and time.

If TTHM or HAA5 compounds are forming before your water leaves your plant, then you will want to focus on improving your pretreatment.  Chlorine dioxide can help reduce the formation in your clearwell dramatically.  Chlorine dioxide is an excellent broad-spectrum solution that does not react strongly with organics, reducing the initial formation. 

If TTHM or HAA5 are forming in your distribution system, you may also be reboosting chlorine.  This may indicate that you may have a biofilm in the distribution system which creates a chlorine demand (high chlorine required) and an additional carbon source.  If this is the case, switching to MIOX Mixed Oxidants or Capital Controls Chlorine Dioxide will help you reduce chlorine demand and organic load, thus reducing the formation of THM and HAA5.

We work with you to truly understand your system challenges and select the right solution that will help you now and in the years to come.

Generators using sodium chlorite and chlorine gas or hydrochloric acid

DE NORA Solutions

Trace Organic Contaminants

De Nora has the technologies to effectively remove trace organic contaminants, such as 1, 4-dioxane and biopersistant pharmaceuticals.  By using ozone in novel ways, these contaminants can be cost-effectively removed, providing clean drinking water or remediating contaminated groundwaters.

Depending on the application and contaminant of concern, different methods can be used to destroy trace organic contaminants.


The DE NORA TETRA® Advanced Biofilter combines ozone and a biologically active filter to remove pharmaceutical contaminates from drinking water supplies.

This combined treatment approach has proven to be a cost effective and safe alternative to conventional membrane treatment, without producing a highly concentrated waste stream.


By combining ozone and UV light, free radicals can be created with are highly energized and capable of oxidizing some of the most challenging contaminants to carbon dioxide and water.  De Nora can provide a complete solution using Capital Controls® UV and Capital Controls® Ozone Generators.

DE NORA Solutions