Generate your own hypochlorite from salt for a safe, reliable and economical water treatment. PosiClor® generation systems provide operational cost savings over previous projects, continuing the tradition of reliability and durability that our partners expect from De Nora.
• Safe and Non-Hazardous
• Unique Design / Advanced Engineering
• Easy to Operate & Maintain
• Cost Savings

Why PosiClor?
The on-site generation of chlorine-based chemistries provides a safe, economical and effective solution for the treatment of water. Using only salt, water and electricity, PosiClor systems generate a powerful and highly effective oxidant on-site, where you need it, when you need it, eliminating the transportation of hazardous chemicals.
- PosiClor systems are available in sizes ranging from 6 - 330 lb/day (3 – 150 kg/day) Free Available Chlorine (FAC) for a single skid. Multiple skids can be operated in parallel where more capacity is required.
- Our innovative PosiClor technological advancements deliver low levels of chlorate byproduct formation at the highest efficiency available. Future-proof your system from potential chlorate regulation while saving money at the same time!
- At the heart of every De Nora electrochlorination system are DSA® electrodes pioneered by De Nora. Single source responsibility ensures system compatibility and long life so you get the most out of your system.
- Available with remote monitoring and control, along with automated chlorine dosing control, operation of the system is easy. Simple operation and maintenance reduces your labor costs and whole-life cost.
- De Nora brings 95+ years of electrochlorination experience with 6,500 electrochlorinators operating worldwide, >355 patent families and in-house manufactured De Nora DSA anodes. De Nora has been and will continue to be your Partner of Choice for service and support for many years.