DE NORA TETRA® Media Filtration

De Nora has more than 50 years of experience and > 1,300 installations providing media filtration solutions to both municipal and industrial markets. A variety of filtration products allows De Nora to customize filter design for optimal performance in a particular application. Common municipal applications include pre-treatment of seawater for desalination, filtration of drinking water sources, and tertiary treatment of wastewater. Industrial applications include both gravity and pressure filtration, with a focus on steel industry applications that require removal of high concentrations of oil and grease and mill scale solids

Easy to Operate and Maintain

Cost Saving

Reliability / Equipment Longevity

Low Profile Designs

No matter your application, De Nora has the filtration solution for you. Common municipal applications include filtration of drinking water, pre-treatment of seawater for desalination, and tertiary treatment of wastewater. Industrial applications include both gravity and pressure filtration, with a focus on steel industry applications that require removal of high concentrations of oil and grease and mill scale solids.

Why DE NORA TETRA filter underdrains?

For municipal drinking water, desalination pre-treatment and wastewater applications where plants use gravity filters, the filter underdrain is one of the most important components contributing to overall system performance and operation — whether a new filter design or retrofitting an existing filter.

Drinking water

Dual parallel lateral underdrain products including DE NORA TETRA U, LP, and Anchor-Rite® Blocks are ideal for common applications such as drinking water treatment and other pretreated water sources.

History of proven performance:

  • Excellent distribution of backwash air and water keeps filter media clean
  • Suitable to retrofit any air / water backwash scheme
  • Low profile for better filtration performance and longer filter runs
  • Reliably strong resistance to underdrain uplift pressure 
  • Low operating costs and minimal maintenance 

Wastewater filtration

DE NORA TETRA SNAP T® Block filter underdrains provide a unique non-clogging underdrain for heavily loaded wastewater applications. Even water sources with oils, grease and mill scale solids can be effectively treated with this underdrain.

  • Media selection can be customized to further fine-tune filter performance
  • Excellent distribution of backwash air and water for efficient bed cleaning and low filter operating costs
  • New or retrofit applications are ideal candidates
  • Simple to install
  • Minimal maintenance, no moving parts

Want to learn more about our DE NORA TETRA® Media Filtration Solutions?

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